i need information regarding hydroponics

QuestionCategory: Agri Land, Machines, Polyhousei need information regarding hydroponics
openagriculture Staff asked 7 years ago

Hello I am interested in hydroponics system and also decided to built the form so I have little bit knowledge of hydroponics ,shall we growing plants by this process so pls help me…
asked in Green Houses & Storage by Nithish kumar C L

1 Answers
openagriculture Staff answered 7 years ago

Dear Sir, Please check, following details of people / companies who can help for hydroponics.
1)Benguluru, Karnataka –  Training course in Soil-less Cultivation/Hydroponics ” http://www.greenecosystem.in/fconn/agribusiness-training/training-course-in-soil-less-cultivationhydroponics.html
2) Nagpure, Maharashtra  http://www.greenecosystem.in/fconn/aquaponics-and-hydroponics/aquaponics.html
3) Chennai Tamilnadu http://www.greenecosystem.in/fconn/aquaponics-and-hydroponics/hydroponics.html